Who We Are: BigBang Core

BigBang Core
5 min readNov 16, 2020
Copyright © BigBang Team 2020

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Launched in 2018, BigBang Core is a blockchain company which ensures the provision of solutions for Internet of Things by integrating big data, IoT, and blockchain technologies. It facilitates multiple industries in saving costs, increasing revenue and lowering risks.

Undoubtedly, blockchain technology, being a decentralized value transfer system, has captivated a number of individuals from all over the globe in the past few decades. It is the foundation of Bitcoin and the technology behind cryptocurrencies, the concept of which was first introduced by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto (will we ever know their true identity?). Ethereum was then proposed by Vitalik Buterin to allow developers the facility to develop applications. However, with the rise in the number of users and their transactions, Ethereum as well as Bitcoin are encountering certain issues related to transaction delay and expandability, the root cause of which is the single-chain structure of the systems.

But there’s no need to worry now because BigBang Core has got you covered!

“with the rise in the number of users and their transactions, Ethereum as well as Bitcoin are encountering certain issues related to transaction delay and expandability”

What is BigBang Core?

For tackling the issues of transaction delay and expandability, we have introduced a tree-based blockchain system, which perfectly combines Internet of Things with blockchain. It’s a system on a peer-to-peer network which maintains blockchain in a decentralized manner. This tree-based structure enables you to expand the branched chains to an infinite extent, taking concurrency and transaction extensibility to a whole new level. Amazing, isn’t it?

Moreover, not only will it maintain data exchange and mutual trust among systems in a heterogeneous environment, but will also form a solid foundation for future complicated Internet of Things’ business models.

What’s New?

BigBang Core works such that it ensures well-organized digital asset flow along with safe and secure management. The user transactions are packaged by BigBang Core with the help of security consensus, along with the production of data blocks in a sequential order. It employs blockchain technology for attaining low latency and high concurrency for IoT systems.

Tree-Based Structure:

Since a tree-based structure is employed by BigBang Core for storing and linking blocks, it provides a multi-fork structure, providing a distinctive security primary chain and a number of application forks as per data load and the particular type of business. With the aid of these application forks, transactions are now just like a bullet train, taking a minimum of 2 seconds and solving the problem of transaction delay like a pro!

The transactions and data related to security consensus are held in the security primary chain and the application business data is held and organized by the application forks branching from the primary chain. The more forks on BigBang Core, the more transactions per second will be supported by the system.

Consensus Mechanism:

The security consensus mechanism of BigBang Core is Extensible Delegated Proof of Stake (EDPoS) and Continuity Proof of Work (CPoW). EDPoS dominates the mechanism for assessing the node that will get the block right next time or signaling the generation of the next block by workload proof consensus. Not only does this enhance the security of BigBang Core, but also makes it more reliable than any other system, resulting in the attainment of greater consistency.

“With the aid of these application forks, transactions are now just like a bullet train, taking a minimum of 2 seconds and solving the problem of transaction delay like a pro!”

What’s the Network of BigBang Core like?

As mentioned earlier, BigBang Core is a peer-to-peer network.


The network architecture of BigBang Core can be broken down into 3 layers i.e.

  • Node Network Layer: includes nodes that keep track of transactions and blocks simultaneously, making consensus.
  • Terminal Service Layer: concerned with the provision of the IoT terminals’ access service.
  • Internet of Things Terminal Layer: consists of mobile terminals, controllers, intelligent sensors and a light user program for saving the private key to accomplish transaction construction and verification.

BigBang Core’s System Design:

BigBang Core’s software design comprises of 5 components i.e.

  1. The Embedded System Light Wallet SDK
  2. The Core Wallet Program
  3. The Online Block Browser
  4. The Light Wallet Service System (LWS)
  5. The Mobile Light Wallet Program

Its system is capable of supporting several application scenarios in the complicated Internet of Things’ space, and ensures provision of reliable blockchain services and meets the requirement of clients effectively.

What Makes BigBang Core Different from Others?

The top-notch features of BigBang Core are a source of exclusive experience for the users. these are:

  • Greater Scalability
  • Tree-Based Structure
  • IoT Value Circulation Platform
  • Greater Concurrency
  • Notarization of Data
  • Fast Data Reception

Templates of BigBang Core:

The implementation of e-commerce and cross chain templates of BigBang Core is done in such a manner that it operates effectively in comparison with scripts and contracts. The reason is that these do not need Virtual Machine compilation. Also, trading is safe, fast, and free of any vulnerability which prevents tokens from getting stolen.

Photo by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash

How can BigBang Core Help Companies?

Companies in real-Estate, energy, agricultural sectors etc. can rely upon BigBang core without any hesitation. BigBang Core will aid them to enable IoT with the help of blockchain. Moreover, BigBang Core will facilitate them in reducing the costs and increasing the revenue through the provision of data-driven solutions from data acquisition, storage, and transfer, to intelligent application of Blockchain + IoT technology.


BigBang Core is what you all are looking for! From solving the issue to expandability to transaction delay, it will cater all your needs in an Internet of Things’ environment. BigBang Core ensures that it will not only evolve with time and technology, but will also remain up-to-date to meet the needs of its users. Furthermore, along with the IoT industry, it will explore the possibilities of its implementation in other industries as well.



BigBang Core

The world’s first IOT Blockchain, bringing the internet of things to modern-day reality. Find out more at https://bigbangcore.com/